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Authentication & Session

To authenticate customers with the Recharge JavaScript SDK we will create a utility that validates the customer's session and logs into Recharge as needed and stores the Recharge Session via the rechargeSession.server module we previously setup.

Query & Login Utility Function

Create a rechargeUtil.ts module where we can add a couple utility functions.

  • loginRecharge - function encapsulating logic for logging into Recharge and getting a RechargeSession
  • rechargeQueryWrapper to help with data fetching (which is covered in the next section). This helper function handles any needed login retries or/and error handling
  • clearSession - function to clear the RechargeSession


import { loginWithShopifyCustomerAccount } from '@rechargeapps/storefront-client';
import { json } from '@shopify/remix-oxygen';

const RECHARGE_SESSION_KEY = 'rechargeSession';

// loginHelper function
async function loginRecharge(context) {
const customerAccessToken = await context.customerAccount.getAccessToken();
const rechargeSession = await loginWithShopifyCustomerAccount(customerAccessToken);

if (rechargeSession) {
context.rechargeSession.set(RECHARGE_SESSION_KEY, rechargeSession);
} else {
// this should match your catch boundary
throw json('No session created', { status: 400 });

return rechargeSession;

// helper function for data fetching
export async function rechargeQueryWrapper(rechargeFn, context) {
let rechargeSession = context.rechargeSession.get(RECHARGE_SESSION_KEY);
if (!rechargeSession) {
rechargeSession = await loginRecharge(context);

try {
return await rechargeFn(rechargeSession);
} catch (e) {
try {
if (e?.status === 401) {
// handle auth error, login again and retry request
rechargeSession = await loginRecharge(context);
return await rechargeFn(rechargeSession);
// this should match your catch boundary
throw json(e.message, { status: e?.status });
} catch (error) {
// this should match your catch boundary
throw json(e.message, { status: e?.status });

// helper function to clear session
export function clearSession(session) {

Handle logout

Update logout function to clear the rechargeSession.


export async function action({ context }) {
return context.customerAccount.logout();